Lychee / Easy Sushi
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v 1.1.1
powered by CoinGecko

Live Crypto Insights

Only The Whales Get to See.

You either don't have a billion dollars lying around
Or you don’t know how to code
So, The Whales know things you don't.
And you are always left to play catchup...

Not anymore

EasySushi Lets You Instantly
10 years+ of historical data,
110+ blockchain networks,
900+ DEXes,
Coin Prices,
Unlimited Charting,
AI analysis,
Automated reports
10 billion+ calls per month,
70+ endpoints,
Powerful analytics capabilities
Not a Single Line of Code


Started in 2014, CoinGecko is the world's largest independent crypto data aggregator that is integrated with more than 900 crypto exchanges and lists more than 12,000 coins. CoinGecko API offers the most comprehensive and reliable crypto market data.
Thousands of forward-thinking projects, Web3 developers, researchers, institutions, and enterprises use our CoinGecko to obtain price feeds, market data, metadata, and historical data of crypto assets, NFTs, and exchanges.

Maximal Data Protection

You can actually make a whole chart without saving any data into our db! Which means we never touch your data. Even if you do decide to save your work in our db, we never backdoor data broker, use, sell, trade your data. Your data is your data.

"Blink Of An Eye" Level Instant

See it for yourself in the demo above! You can "graphify" any data before you open your eyes. Trends, OHLCVs, Dexes, Trending Coins, BTC Historical Price...


GeckoTerminal is a DeFi and DEX aggregator. Explore the market data & prices of any tokens traded across 110+ blockchain networks across 900+ DEXes – brought to you by the same team behind CoinGecko.

Engage your audience

Professional-quality data graphics and animated stories that bring your data to life.

No Mumbo Jumbo.

Sit back and enjoy a user-friendly platform that requires no coding skills or hi-fi language.


No BS features you don't even need. When we built this - we had you in mind.

Variety Of Chart Options.

Choose from a variety of chart types, including pie, histogram, line, bar charts. Your data is your style.

Automated AI Reports

Automate your analysis with AI and generate rich text reports.

Share, publish, present, embed, download

Seamlessly share your presentation with your team and audience. Publish as a standalone website, collate into a collectino of pages, publish as a grid, download as jpg, share directly to social media.

World's most beaufitul charts

Combined with the world's most beautiful color palate makes a magical combo.

3 Simple Steps

Step 0: Pick CoinGecko or GeckoTerminal.

Step 1: Select an option to explore

Step 2: Input your search queries and filters

Step 3: Unlimited charts and visualizations to gain the deepest insights

BONUS Step: Go even further and have AI generate a full report your you which you can edit and publish

What Our Legendary Users Have To Say:

People really like us -
All reviews are clickable.


48 hrs free

then $11.99/month

10 years+ of historical data

110+ blockchain networks

900+ DEXes

Unlimited, instant, whide variety of Charts

Simplified User Interface

Unlimited Exports

AI Insights


EasySushi LifeTime


Limited Time Promo 69.99

Includes everything in Trial

No paying for monthly subscriptions.

All Future Updates

7 seats left at this price

Most Popular

Lychee LifeTime


Limited Time Promo $199.99

Includes everything in EasySushi LifeTime

Includes all current and future Lychee features.

Click to Learn about lychee

Scrape any website

Connect to Twitter, Instagran, Yelp, etc

EasyLychee: convert spreadsheet to website in 0.46 secs

36 seats left at this price


Let's talk about Lychee

Lychee is team behind EasySushi (also created by @misterrpink).
On a mission to make the whole data pipeline as seamless as possible.
When you get lifetime access to Lychee, you also get access to the full suite of tools that is Lychee:


Lychee's AI, lets you analyze your data and discover thigs you would never imagine.

Twitter Data

Pull data directly from Twitter no-code.


Scrape ANY URL.

PDFs Parsing

Extract Structured Data from PDF.

Crypto Data

Pull crypto data no-code.

Data Generation

Generate INSANE amounts of fake (realistic) Data for analysis and testing.

Powerful Spreadsheet

A Powerful Spreadsheet.

Rich Text Editor

A Rich Text Editor.


Generate Stunning presentations.

Website Deployment

Deploy an entire website right here.


Publish Your Findings.

Social Media Sharing

Share Your Discoveries on Social Media.

Team Collaboration

Invite Your Team.

Audience Building

Build an Audience Right Here.