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My Data Use Policy
Hi There!
I don't collect any personal info or data from you other than your email when you register.
I care about data security and privacy, and I think all companies/ developers / projects should.
And if the time comes where profits can be made on user data, I would like to be one of the first companies to enable user's to profit along side me in the profits made from their data.
Addendum: May 8th 2024. Due to popular demand, you all have determined that saving data is crucial
When you save your data, the data is saved in Lychee databases.
However this data is never shared.
When you run data through any AI engine, it will be used by the AI and shared with any APIs connecting to the AI.
I advise you not to use any AI for hypersensitive data.
If you have need for partitioned data, dedicated security and dedicated AI that is segregated from external shares, you will want to join Enterprise. Here I will custom build you something for your data needs.
MisterrPink (creator of Lychee)